August 5, 2024 2 minute read

An Insider’s Guide to a Successful September 1st Move

September 1st is the busiest day by far for move-ins in Boston, thanks to the thousands of college students that dominate the city’s apartment rental market. September 1st move-ins take up 70-80% of the total rental inventory across the city. That is an eye-popping number! So, why is this day the most popular move-in date by a landslide in Boston? Other major cities like New York, LA, and Chicago all have a relatively spread-out rental cycle. What makes Boston so different? A high concentration of colleges and universities – 64 to be exact – has caused the city to adopt this specific rental cycle because having one designated day makes it easier for students to move in and out. 

The large crowds and competition for resources can make moving on this day a nightmare if you’re unprepared. With thousands of rentals and unit turnovers over nearly two decades, the Senné team has learned a lot about how to make your move a smooth one. 

Tips from the Experts at Senné:

If there’s one thing to take away from this guide, it’s to plan ahead! Anything that you can do prior to your actual move-in day to ease the stress will be essential. 

  • Book movers or rent a truck ASAP: All trucks and move-in companies will book out weeks in advance so it is important to get on top of this as soon as you have your lease signed.
  • Obtain a parking permit for both origin and destination: This will prevent any parking tickets and it will allow you to have a designated spot, leaving you one less thing to worry about on move-in day!
  • Overnight storage: If your current lease requires you to move out on the 31st, but your new lease does not allow you to move in until the 1st, you will need to think about where you will put all of your belongings for that time. If you are renting a truck, our tip is to rent it for two days and find a spot to park it overnight. The other option is to ask a moving company to hold your belongings for the night – it may be another fee but it will keep your belongings safe until move-in day.
  • Early bird gets the worm: Start your move as early as possible! Beat the traffic and get a head start so you can pace out your day without the added stress of racing the clock. 


Time to celebrate!

Once the move is over and you have all your belongings safe in your new place, head to a local bar or restaurant to grab food and a drink to celebrate! Explore your new neighborhood, talk with strangers, walk the streets, and just start familiarizing yourself with your new home. You have arrived (or relocated) to one of the most vibrant cities in the country, so now is your time to enjoy it!

Published: August 5, 2024

Annie Crotty


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